Snatched Body

Starting Snatched Body from $0 to scaling it to $16M in 2 years has been one of my most proud achievements.

Full Funnel Ad #1

A funnel creative, used predominantly for prospecting. In this creative, we leveraged an original character serving as an authority figure. Petunia, the faja tailor. I strategically positioned the product as a solution for all BBL patients combining a strong hook, humor, and visuals.

Full Funnel Ad #2

In this sequel, we emphasized further the benefits of the products while positioning the unique differences of the products as superior to competitors. This particular ad focused more on mid-funnel to bottom-funnel. Moving the consumer awareness stage towards the consideration phase.


Understanding Avatar:
Performing demographic research was instrumental. We knew the product, “fajas” were needed after surgery. We reached out to plastic surgery clinics to gather insights such as the avatar’s likes, language, tendencies, accepted consumer beliefs, pain points, dream scenarios, and more.

Understanding The Product:
The product solved a multitude of problems. It was essential to layer a marketing funnel that provided awareness to the prospect by incrementally driving them down the awareness funnel. While strategically crafting hooks & information that would retain engagement for later retargeting content.

Content That Converts:
Developing a multi-channel marketing funnel that was tied directly to the content at a 1:1 ratio was a key lever. We identified key messaging and segmented content pieces based on awareness to make education a focus. While selecting careful spokespersons on video creatives and static creatives.

Ad or Educational Value?

A funnel & content strategy that blended education, authority figures, UGC spokesperson, and valuable information provided more reasons for the viewers to stick around and grow to trust & like Snatched-Body.

Prospecting Ad With Real Surgeon:

A prospecting video ad used to get viewers to engage with Snatched Body by leveraging valuable content. We were able to get a real plastic surgeon positioned as the authority figure to endorse Snatched Body. The purpose was to get viewers to engage with the video by either clicking on it or viewing it as long as possible. So that we could retarget them later.

Middle of Funnel Ad With Guarantee:

A middle-of-funnel ad that leveraged the instant gratification the product provided. “Lose 2 inches off your waist immediately, or your money back”. A strong guarantee I created that allowed for 3 things, a strong hook, minimized risk, and greatly increased probability of dream outcome. The video also highlights benefits stacks & strong visuals.

Bottom of Funnel Actor-Generated Content:

A bottom-of-funnel ad that featured a well-known influencer in the beauty & bbl patient media space. We leveraged her social authority and testimonial to communicate her experience with the product while highlighting pain points & key benefits/solutions.

UGC Ads With Real Target Demographic Members:

User Generated Content I created with the help of our customers. These models were incentivized with affiliate programs— all they had to do was share their story behind the camera.




Snatched Body’s rapid success can be directly attributed to a strong inventory of ads, UGC, cross-selling, upselling, and email marketing. It’s a pleasure to see them continue to thrive.

